Many people with a joint disease that appear with age, doctors is called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects people between the most common, and very often osteoarthritis of the knee over the age of 45. If left untreated, osteoarthritis, the cartilage disappears and bone naked, and this will make it impossible to perform functions knee.

Why, why, why osteoarthritis
There are several factors that can contribute to osteoarthritis of the knee joint why. Among them, such as doctors features include the following:
Various mechanical injury. This fractures and dislocations, especially dangerous but the damage meniscus. Full injuries can trigger the development of arthrosis at a young age is quite a factor. Doctors claim the trauma of the injury itself and the treatment related to arthrosis due to not fixing feet and, as a result, micro-circulatory disorders, blood, joints and the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis. In this case, meniscal damage and their next computer, statistics, what the doctors say, what fails to prevent osteoarthritis in nine of ten cases;
Excess weight the knee itself is not traumatic, but the service is a risk factor for injury, meniscus. This trauma very dangerous, meniscus injuries the restore process is time-consuming, and in most cases leads to arthrosis. Experts in addition to individuals the most severe osteoarthritis of the knee joint to the middle, if you suffer from overweight, arrival;
Bond issues. Is a fairly common condition, people are in good physical shape. These people have high mobility, joint, and themselves are flexible. Such people can easily sit and even perform stretching exercises without warming up the different items and twine. However, a lot of these people "loose" bond. The knee joint can be caused by exercising these people performed takes mikrotravma, and they already more causes osteoarthritis;
Such joint disease, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis many easy passes. The thing is, arthritis is an inflammatory process leads to cartilage destruction and ultimately leads to too much fluid in the joint cavity itself and knee joint arthrosis;
Changes in metabolism cause calcium metabolism to the development of a particularly important for joints to arthritis; osteoarthritis, which explains the emergence of various theories, the effect of stress recently appeared. Gore is in Moscow, many women after 40 accumulated emotional exhaustion, in the process of circulation and for that reason violations, including lower extremity, why you exist, and the knee joint.
Symptoms of illness

Osteoarthritis knee joint symptoms that are most frequently captured in the following:
The area of pain in the knee joint. The main thing, the pain suddenly appears. Usually, a man lives through the pain, discomfort and aching a few months, and even years. Jogging or fast walking a pain reinforced. Appeared pain, knee joint, to a large extent, not having a place most likely, osteoarthritis, and jam, meniscus. As the disease develops, the pain becomes more powerful the longer. Especially strong pain then transported a long walk with loads of removal, or removal. After the pain subsided, it's a holiday, but once it occurs, physical activity, pain immediately re-appears. In many cases, patients with much pain and pain the patient's knees, such as changing weather conditions, motion and rest. It is advisable for you to relieve the symptoms of pain-to-use, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
The deformation of the knee itself. This symptom is seen in the later stages of disease development. Confuse want with the deformation of the knee joint is actually a manifestation already the beginning of the disease; an excessive amount of fluid accumulation in the knee joint. This phenomenon is called physicians synovitis, synovitis, Baker cyst but over time the seal may go in the field of education is reected behind the knee joint. Fortunately, Baker's Cyst Treatment without surgery;
Crunch. On the contrary, the crisis in the development stages of osteoarthritis accompanied by pain the joints healthy people, potent crunch next. Also, a crunching osteoarthritis special, "dry". The reason a crunching problem in itself excessive joint mobility or a bond;
Limited motion knee joint. Because of severe pain, the patient to straighten and flex freely adapt. Usually accompanied by limited mobility, joint deformation, in which the best appears from the outside. The joints in osteoarthritis in later developmental stages to be completely still and act independently, to be sick too problematic. Depending on the degree of the severity of symptoms in osteoarthritis knee replacement, he decided to devote his medical practice to such an extent that the development of the disease:
- Osteoarthritis of the joints in the first degree. The pain is mild and mainly exercise movements. At rest no pain. I'm surprised of cartilage at this stage already, but the distortion is not visible visually. Baker's cysts may occur and accumulate in the joint fluid;
- Osteoarthritis of the joint in the second degree. Because of narrowing of the joint cartilage of the affected fabric. X-rays emerged at this stage what the size of the bone of the joint has increased. Any movement of the patient is accompanied by acute pain, but no pain at rest. Flexion and extension of the foot sounds, a characteristic of osteoarthritis, "dry" attack. The muscles of the arms and straightening of the knee joint by itself issues, health officials detected the actual joint deformation in patients;
- Osteoarthritis of joints of the third degree. It thins the cartilage until, in some places, the bone gets completely naked. In addition, the joint gap visible calcification the doctors called osteophytes. The patient very uncomfortable pains have not subsided, neither motion nor rest.
Osteoarthritis diagnosis
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis the knee prosthesis presumably you can put in the interrogation of the patient during the doctor's physical examination. However, accurate diagnosis and necessary for the other two mandatory research: diagnosis, ultrasonic and radiography. When it comes to laboratory blood tests, assign them if I want to exclude the disease who have a similar clinical picture, for example, arthritis. The Doctor Who gives the most informative in judging the degree of cure the results for radiography contraction joint spacing, and gives you the opportunity to see osteophyte. At the same time, the ultrasound gives information about the thickness of the cartilage, such as in the case of both knee joint gives you an idea of what neighboring tissue.
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis knee joint questionable, you should contact your doctor, a therapist, a surgeon or a podiatrist if necessary a separate. More of the disease shows different treatment strategies, however, so far the most effective, a drug, etc .. the treatment of osteoarthritis. In fact, doctors have several medicines that can be used, etc. Ayşe:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Chondroprotectors;
- An array of steroid hormones;
- Drugs, improve blood circulation;
- Vitamins
Ozone therapy
This method envisages the effect of ozone (O3) and knee joint affected by osteoarthritis. This method can be applied as input to the Ozone Action and foreign direct inject joints. Ozone is such an effect are no contraindications, but at the same time has a therapeutic effect that is good. Patients pain, inflammation diminishing, as well as the knee joint is located back the blood circulation. Accepted, better to use ozone therapy in the complex treatment with chondroprotectors.
This method is based on the assumption about when you run a custom workout gets blood flow back, knee joint, and cartilage elasticity recovery and healing begins with him caused by the connective itself. A number of exercises are selected individually for each patient and a doctor. Very well in the ruins with this treatment, medication treatment, etc.
Physical therapy
According to many doctors of physical therapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is one not little treatment methods. Is drawn to the pain during physical therapy procedures and back of the most common features, moreover, some methods relieve pain during physical therapy procedures and rescues many common features, moreover, some physiotherapy methods for the treatment of disease medicinal drugs, allowing you to enter. So far all the physiotherapy treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint are divided into groups:
- And reduce pain;
- Acute inflammatory process;
- Restorative blood supply;
- Painkillers, Physiotherapy

Such a procedure, the most commonly used ultraviolet irradiation medium (SF). Hobby knee and ultraviolet rays during the procedure is sent, so invisible, a slight redness of the skin. It feels like there is crafting ingredients to reduce sensitivity shows that are accepted. Generally, patients prescription SF 6-7 sessions.
Magnetic therapy
Magnetotherapy to be very popular recently. Accepted, this method applies the first and second degrees of arthritis. Procedures patients 10-25 magnets, each process takes approximately 30 minutes. The city recovers the magnetic field exposed to blood, cartilage, and, as a result, healing begins.
Exercise for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint
Therapeutic exercise is very important for treatment of osteoarthritis. There are many developments in this direction, but the most important exercises that the Dr gave me the results designed. Evdokimenko and Lana Paley. Unfortunately, there is a limit complicated. You cannot People the exercises:
- A day for women critical;
- Patients with intracranial and high blood pressure;
- Body temperature is 37.5 0C;
- If you have an inguinal hernia;
- Heart failure;
- Acute diseases of the internal organs.
Nine complex numbers exercise. Before you begin, consult a doctor facility that will work on a daily basis. Practice shows that the correct exercise execution Evdokimenko – Paley health under control and gives good results. It should also be noted, perform data exercises using the ointment warming.

Diet in the treatment of osteoarthritis
The reason is that osteoarthritis of the knee joint, a weight, a pressure on additional joints. Therefore, the complex treatment and Prevention of osteoarthritis one of the most important tasks for weight loss. Won numerous research, talk about low weight, to improve the situation that there is a difference of 5 kg joint is ill. Nutrition experts believe that nutrition, vitamins and trace elements and the amount you need to be patient sufficient, and must be a minimum of calories at the same time. Osteoarthritis in any case, don't get carried away, diuretic teas, I love them too, like to use excess weight and get away from here. The thing is, this, pallor, calcium, and this is highly undesirable joint osteoarthritis. Nutrition must be patient, and fractional vegetables and fruits that will be used for a snack. Accepted, must begin the morning with breakfast, otherwise are not included and for a long time, this is likely the metabolic processes crashes. Affects the same way, and doesn't have to be a late dinner, then at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. However, an important is to use enough water (minimum 2 litres). Also important and and quality food. Osteoarthritis is very important such as opening products such as:
- Soups, broths, and brown-induced bone. The natural chondroprotectors and collagen is plentiful in these products;
- Meat, chicken or Turkey is an excellent source of protein, and very important, the correct the metabolism;
- Fish, nuts, almonds and hazelnuts are sources of vitamin E are very important;
- Complex carbohydrates bread cereals and whole wheat bread the best choice of the patient is necessary to proper nutrition;
- Sunflower, flax seed or olive oil since unsaturated fatty acids are important components of food sources.
It should be noted in the treatment of osteoarthritis the use of not treating this disease could be the truth and, in fact, that is managed by a certain lifestyle, otherwise the patient may lose the ability to act independently.