Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is a rather serious disease that always requires a qualified approach to treatment. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to deal with this pathology. However, modern medicine offers effective means to reduce the level of existing inflammation and slow down the progression of the disease.
What is a disease?
The ankle joint connects the lower leg to the ball of the foot. Basically, it moves along the front axis, thus providing flexion and extension of the foot. Lateral movements are characterized by minimal amplitude.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, whose symptoms and treatment are directly related to each other, is a process of successive destruction of joint tissue. The pathology leads to a violation of the usual structure of the tissues, the death of part of the cartilage cells, the formation of cracks on its surface and the compaction of the bones. If you do not take the prescribed medicine for arthrosis of the joints, they become deformed and their normal functioning becomes really impossible.
The older the person is, the greater the probability of developing degenerative-destructive changes in him. In this case, the musculoskeletal system is no exception. It is reported that approximately 10% of the world's population over the age of 40 suffers from osteoarthritis. In developed countries, the number of patients over the age of 65 varies from 60 to about 80%.
The first stage of the disease is characterized by a direct narrowing of the joint gap, the cartilage itself swells and softens. Arthrosis of the 2nd degree is distinguished by the fact that microcracks form in the areas of the greatest pressure on the joint heads, and in the places of the least pressure - obvious protrusions. In the third and fourth stages, cartilage rupture occurs, followed by the formation of cysts, the growth of so-called bone calluses (osteophytes). As a result, the joint heads themselves flatten, which does not allow the leg to perform the usual movements.

Main reasons
Very rarely, the disease is primary, i. e. it occurs spontaneously. Most often it is secondary and is explained by the influence of a number of factors. The causes of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint can be as follows:
- Damage to the musculoskeletal system of the foot and the joint itself (flat feet, hereditary connective tissue dysplasia).
- Post-traumatic arthrosis (dislocation, dislocation, contusion).
- Inflammation of an immune nature.
- Infectious wound.
- Various types of neurological diseases (osteochondrosis, neuritis).
- Metabolic pathologies (obesity, rickets, gout).
The causes of arthrosis of the ankle joint are often hidden in the constant wearing of high-heeled shoes. The unnatural location of the leg provokes an increase in the load several times on the ankle itself. Athletes, dancers and those whose weight significantly exceeds standard indicators are also included in the risk group.

How does ankle osteoarthritis present? Symptoms and treatment
First of all, patients note painful discomfort when trying to fully stand on their feet, as well as the appearance of a characteristic crisis during movements. Over time, the pain gets worse and continues even at rest. The limitation of mobility of the legs along different axes gradually worsens. The joint itself increases in size, the foot is slightly curved. In the advanced stages of the pathology, pain can also be felt in the knee and hip joints.

Conservative therapy
Most drugs that reduce pain belong to the group of so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These drugs allow you to get rid of pain, but they also have some disadvantages. The thing is that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have an extremely negative effect on the gastric mucosa. For example, with long-term use in patients, gastritis often worsens and even an ulcer appears. That is why the reception of such funds is prescribed in short courses in order to minimize the negative consequences.
Local treatment of the affected area involves reducing inflammation in the joint. In this way, it is possible to reduce the progression of the disease, that is, to keep the inflammatory process under constant control. Such therapy is prescribed if the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been ineffective.
Local treatment includes the use of gels that have anesthetic components in their composition. However, this expense is fully justified. Ointments and gels give an excellent therapeutic effect, especially when combined with other drugs.
Some patients are prescribed chondroprotectors. They help the cartilage to recover and significantly improve tissue synthesis.
Surgical treatment
Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to overcome ankle arthrosis by drug therapy alone. Sometimes medications are ineffective. In this case, the doctor decides on surgical intervention. The surest way to stop the degenerative process is arthroscopy.
This procedure is performed using a special tool that is introduced into the affected area through microincisions. This operation allows you to remove all bone growths.

exercise therapy
Exercise therapy is prescribed for many types of arthrosis. Such exercises are especially effective in the post-traumatic variant of the disease. Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis are primarily aimed at restoring lost muscle tone, as well as expanding the range of motion in the ankle itself.
Initially, such exercises are chosen that require a minimum load. They are performed in a lying position (for example, circular movements in the foot). Then the lessons get harder. The exercises are performed in a sitting position (leg rolls without lifting the heels off the floor). Keep in mind that in each case a set of exercises is selected individually by a doctor.

First of all, experts strongly recommend avoiding injuries and mechanical damage to the joint. To do this, you need to choose shoes with stable heels, and when playing sports, use special protective equipment.
It is very important to control the body weight, because excess weight is often the main reason for the development of arthrosis of the ankle joint. The symptoms and treatment of this pathology should not be ignored. When primary symptoms appear, you should seek qualified help, do not try to solve the problem yourself.
Also, experts recommend following a diet high in protein foods. You should give up for a while too salty and fatty foods, as well as alcohol.
In this article, we have explained in as much detail as possible what arthrosis of the ankle joint is. Symptoms and treatment, causes and prevention are just some of the topics that are answered in detail here. Note that the effectiveness of the treatment of a disease depends not only on its specific stage of development and the presence of accompanying health problems, but also on the competent compliance with all the doctor's recommendations.