The most common causes of lower back pain cervical spine neck pain. The younger this disease each year. Prone to running around all day in a sitting position with her people, and engaged in no physical activity. Osteokondrozis is important to know what is cervical symptoms Home treatment and its rules.
Diseases of properties
Osteochondritis – illness, a stunning backbone, intervertebral discs rather. Soft items in his development, the disk may be damaged and costeniuc, and in this case a tightening of the beginning of contact between the vertebrae, blood vessels and nerve fibers are located nearby.

Cervical osteokondrozis – hitting one of the most common types are the backbone of a meeting and of those nearly 20 years in the elderly how to.
The first signs
Because the intervertebral discs of the cervical vertebrae in the section is not very high, even a small damage to the development of the disease. In the beginning it may indicate problems:
- osiplosti, hoarseness;
- increased dental problems (accounting contact the dentist more often than usually, for example, partial broken tooth);
- blurred vision;
- burning sensation between the shoulder blades;
- sore throat, angina;
- the shoulder pain section in the occipital region along the entire length of a hand;
- weakness in front legs;
- coordination disorder, irregular walking increased;
- which may be the result of frequent dizziness fainting;
- reduced endurance;
- fatigue, sleep immediately after;
- that mimics a headache and periodically on the left side of the chest, for that arm;
- limited mobility, neck, and the slope of the curve A are crunching.
Cervical osteokondrozis may be in different situations, and some additional symptoms. In this case, where they are connected, the damaged intervertebral disc.
Distinguish syndrome, characteristic of cervical degenerative disc disease with a variety of experts, including:
- Radicular. A result of impingement limit. This person lives a sharp pain in spreads, neck, shoulders, then down the forearm and the finger (or one hand). In addition, the radicular syndrome is characterized by tingling or "Murakami" skin scalding my skin and small swelling.
- Vertebral artery syndrome. Mark which is the basic "corset" it's a headache. Most of the time, this pain is constant, but may, in some cases, and periodic. After dying increased pain, increased activity, or only an uncomfortable posture where it was found. Reduced immunity, nausea, and headaches that may accompany loss of consciousness. In this case, severe hearing impairment, vision problems with the vestibular apparatus.
- Cervical migraine syndrome. Due to a change in this situation, the provision of the vertebrae and the discs between blood circulation, brain, accompanied by a jingle pamukyer mAh. obstruction or perforation, tachycardia, noise in my head, etc.
- Hypertension. Ile characterized with increased intracranial pressure. The patient is uncomfortable with strong attacks, headaches, a feeling of often accompanied them, nausea.
Usually acute illness the patient may be body temperature.
Features-stage disease and symptoms

With features such as 4 Specialists in the development process stage:
- I stage. At this stage, Offset intervertebral disc disorder, their stability. Nov the tension in the affected area, you can get this guy a little pain. This is because symptoms usually passes this phase is almost invisible.
- Stage II. Starts annulus fibrosus corruption, declining the space between the vertebrae. Symptoms – pain, localized at certain points, and an increasing slope or a frozen head. Fatigue also may occur at this stage.
- Stage III. Completely destroyed the fibrous ring of the hernia. The deformation of the spine, the pain is much more powerful. Act to compel a man to limit discomfort for slimming. Outdoor signs – often dizziness, fatigue.
- Stage IV. This stage is characterized by complete immobility spine damaged. From time to time, perhaps a fading pain, but then he always came back to be raised for several times.
A deeper defeat intervertebral disc, the lower the possibility of a full recovery of the disease.
The reasons for cervical degenerative disc disease
There are a few reasons, the beginning and the development of the disease. The most common:
- hereditary predisposition;
- the wrong posture;
- age;
- passed spinal injury;
- including a large load, heavy physical work and sports;
- infectious diseases, passed by, before;
- wearing tight uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes;
- improper diet, including excessive admiration for a harmful food.
Also, why degenerative disc disease that can contribute to excess weight, often stress, sedentary lifestyle, and even a strong cooling.
The danger of disease
Cervical osteokondrozis started previously, it may be more powerful, possible complications. When it occurs, the disease at a young age with the following results:
- slipped disc;
- the roots of cervical radiculopathy;
- bulging cervical intervertebral (offset);
- vertebral cervicalgia etc.
The same situation could be a problem with degenerative disc disease arteries running in vertebrate development, paresis and other related diseases.
The rules for home treatment

Osteokondrozis treatment cervical can be treated in a variety of ways including and at home, but of course there are some rules. First, a home amenable to treatment only at the initial stage of the disease. While running, you can also use homemade techniques the disease, but already with more complex professional medical procedures. Second, self-treatment methods must be consistent with at home. your doctor then the diagnosis is accurate.
Effective medication etc ..
A wide range of all sorts of many modern pharmaceutical, pills, patches and ointments\gels-way action. These tools just help you to get rid of the pain during osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc but is more to prevent the destruction of cartilage.
Pharmacy most effective medication for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is the most common and the most sought-after amenities:
- Heating and anesthetic ointments/gels.
- Nov relaxants, low Tonus and reduce an inflammatory process Nov.
- Transdermal patch, impregnation with private as medical, in which the most commonly used thiamine (Vitamin B1), glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin. Under the influence of heat, drugs etc .. easily penetrates muscles and tissues that provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Also, the patches also relieve muscle spasm and motor activity returns in them.
- Vitamin complexes. An integral part of vitamins, treatment, strengthens them, improves the body's metabolic processes that, in turn, affects the recovery, Nov and the improvement of cartilage tissue, transmission of nerve impulses, normalization of skin sensitivity, etc. necessary in the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease between the vitamin, experts, and facilities such as B vitamins retinol (A) tocopherol (E) calciferol (D), nicotinic acid and ascorbic
- Chondroprotectors. The main action of these drugs is towards the back of the cartilage tissue, increased blood circulation and pain reduction. However, these drugs have responded to the treatment, you need to apply them quite a long time (3 to 6 months).
Different groups of drugs that can be combined to increase the effectiveness of the treatment, for example, vitamin complexes with cartilage savers and patches.
The application people turkey recipes
A lot of the recipes is sufficient treatment degenerative disc disease cervical spine can be found in Turkish folk medicine:
- Helps relieve pain and acute degenerative disc disease is a normal Leaf. To do this, the internal face and the necessary to fix it to the patient to wear night patch. Pre-leaf scald boiling water. Calm neck pain in the morning almost 100%.
- You can use the treatment and preventive tools, and potatoes. Drugs cooking potatoes, the tuber is rubbed on a fine grater and medium and thoroughly mixed with honey 1:1 ratio. Consistency composition is a balm to remind me. Potato-use a mixture of honey and applied as a compress, neck compression from the top and record with the help of paper towels and dressing. Should be made to keep to compress, after 2 hours, wipe with a damp cloth and lubricate the skin fir oil. Acute degenerative disc disease, and a course of treatment should be 7-10 days for the prevention to make a compress for 1 Week.
- Another popular recipe is entirely a product of beekeeping – propolis. Homemade medicine .. etc .. etc .. is required for 1 g of propolis, 50 gr of aloe juice (freshly squeezed) and mustard powder. All these substances are dissolved 0.5 liter of vodka or alcohol (diluted). From the solution obtained, after which the impregnated fabric used for the neck of the imposition of the night. To increase the effect, neck, optionally, a wool scarf Tue.
- Paraffin compresses – inflammation and pain in the fight for another vehicle. Before you apply the neck, paraffin melting, annealed to give skin a steam bath and cool him down a bit. You can use paraffin wax instead. Warming paraffin or wax edited 1 time in 3 days.
- Turpentine with the dough. Rye flour and filtered water to cook the dough for this method the required treatment. It must be sufficiently flexible, but powerful way to reinforce. Received the Test form cornbread. After that, the turpentine on the sore spot and food parts to a ready-made cake. Duration of treatment – approximately 15-20 minutes, the frequency – 3 times a week.

Folk medicine for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease compresses and only for friction, but the vehicle for the purchase of:
- Herbal collect. For dinner requires a healing infusion dandelion leaf, Yarrow, thyme, St. John's wort, chamomile and calendula. Each item – 1 tbsp. L all herbal components are thoroughly mixed. The field is taking 2 tbsp. if L is placed the mixture of them, pour it into a thermos 1 liter of boiling water and persist for hours. An infusion of ready to drink 3 times a day (60 ml for purchase) before eating. 20 days for a course of treatment.
- Bay leaves infusion. To do this, 10 g coriander leaves 1 cup water is required. All of the ingredients, put in an enamel pot, and bring to a boil on low heat 5 of about 5 min. Once obtained, the water still insist on 3 hours and filter. Liquor obtained infusion, small sips throughout the day. Getting the course – 4 days. After a week's break, repeat the treatment.
- Parsley juice. Prepared as follows: to 750 ml of water to the plant roots sleep 3 tablespoons chopped and simmer on low heat for an hour. The obtained filter water and cool. Drink, drugs etc .. etc .. twice a day, 1 tbsp. You must accept in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.
- Infusion, celery juice. Celery for dinner, rubbed on a fine grater, then squeeze tight mass received the juice. After that, each received 100 ml of a spoon and add the broth boiling hot water and steep for 2 hours. Acceptance 2 tablespoons of infusion before each meal.
- Infusion of cranberry leaves. This infusion, producing a good anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, 3 tsp of dried crushed leaves pour a glass of water. After two hours, the resulting composition filter, a drink, 2 tbsp. tablespoons, three times a day.
- Alcohol infusion of pine nuts. Crusted with pine nuts etc .. etc .. an effective medicine to get pounded, piled, and glass bowl, pour vodka. And clean the jar tightly closed, in a dark place for a week. In this case, the daily capacity shake thoroughly. The obtained 7 days after infusion filter. Welcome to drink 2 teaspoons three times a day.
Also as an effective tool to compensate for potassium and calcium consulting a few teaspoons of sesame seeds in the body of Turkish folk medicine every day for dinner (and a spoon and eat one at a time, but several times a day).
Yield self massage

Kneading, rubbing and stroking provides, improve blood circulation, reduce pain, stress Nov with normal metabolism. However, to avoid damage while making myself a self-massage that you must comply with a few rules:
- Massage should be done, the hand with just your finger.
- The injured area cannot be too hard.
- All movements should be smooth, sudden and rapid pressure.
- Massaging the occipital scalp, muscles, rear and side areas of the neck.
- You just need to perform the procedure sitting. Throw more leg and elbow of the leg to withstand, you need to ensure it is simple to remove, first at the back, neck and spine. To embrace the needs of the reverse lever on each side of the neck.
In Ankara, a day procedure – 10 minutes. Frequency – every day. In this case, you are not required to do self-massage during severe pain. Best to wait, then a little will decrease.
A smooth-running and more efficient etc .. etc .. even the best medicine can be helpful massage.

Gymnastic exercises at home it will be unnecessary to complete treatment. Recommended to perform warming them after a bath or shower. During Cervical osteochondrosis is considered the most effective exercises:
- To bed head. It is necessary to perform stand up straight, tilt your head your hands and throughout the body, first forward, then back. Required at every position to rest approximately 10 sec.
- The inclination is correct. The previous unchanged in position, the tip of the head right-left delay on each side of him, 10 sec.
- The position is the same, but now you should head to tilt alternately, in every direction, the remaining half minutes.
- Turns. I put a hand, the belt, the jaw slightly forward and open his head sideways, he reached down, the shoulder. Such a position required for 50 sec ice cream.
- Dilution Al. This exercise sitting down. For this to sit in a chair, piles, palms, knees. Then pull your hands forward and is grown in a seamless manner. At the same time, tilt your head, then back to the starting position.
- Complex twists and turns. Put your left palm to right shoulder (elbow at a right angle) and open at the same time, your head to the right. Then using your right hand to perform the exercise.
These exercises are a good help osteochondrosis and others. For example, during a vacation, can I come on a hard sofa, so lay on the edge of the shoulders, head hanging so. The hand should be relaxed and nervous throughout the body. You need to press just a few minutes, forcing neck muscles to raise and lower. Perform the first exercise, sleep, the wife of then delivery.