Osteokondrozis cervical disease, cervical spine, along with degenerative and dystrophic processes occurring in the intervertebral discs.
Up to 80% of the population complaints of pain, neck. Also, 30% is directly linked necklace osteochondrosis headache.
Older people who have encountered this disease before today more neck pain osteochondrosis 20-30-year-old patients.
The most negative reasons degeneration, spine, neck, are as follows:
- lack of exercise , to put it simply, a little physical activity;
- poor nutrition;
- long-term physical activity;
- salt deposits;
- various injuries;
- metabolism disorder and excessive weight;
- work by prolonged sitting (e.g., computer) will be uninterrupted;
- wrong organized a place to sleep (bed, pillow);
- driving a vehicle for long trips or permanent.
Also are considered risk factors: cervical dress warmly and to stay dry, heredity, hormonal disorders.
In addition, incentive, degenerative disc disease, cervical autoimmune diseases, for example arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
The disease develops slowly, but is prone to the progress.
Key symptoms of degenerative disc disease neck:
- pain syndrome. This neck pain may be as small and powerful;
- numbness. This is usually in a related field, arms, shoulders, shoulder blades, neck, or there may be a tingling sensation. A characteristic symptom head neck during a crunch dialing;
- noise and tinnitus. Sometimes a hearing impairment;
- migraine and headache, muscular weakness, hand and foot;
- nausea, insufficient air. Looks like a man, he can't breathe, full-breasted, this hypoxia leads to;
- vision. The observed fog, decreased visual acuity, the so-called "front sight" in front of the eyes;
- blood pressure instability. The patient, overwhelmed high or low pressure appear as a result of dizziness.
Pain when syndrome, especially in the head or watched in turn the patient frequently after a night's sleep, at least arm physical exertion, cough or sneeze. Pain, so to speak, "give the occipital region, shoulders and arms. If you bend your head forward, then paddle under a frequently occurring pain.
For the diagnosis of cervical degenerative disc disease, you should see a doctor-foot specialist, or a neurologist. Inspection and survey of patient referral for X-ray cervical a couple appeared. Magnetic resonance scanning and MRI may be required in some cases diagnosis.
Cervical osteokondrozis the need for long-term, systematic and progressive treatment. Mostly we will focus on treatment is an inflammatory process and pain syndrome to combat the problem.
Sufficient in the early stages of the disease, manual therapy, medical Gymnastics. Further drug therapy is needed.
Also important to create an environment, rebuild damaged tissue, for medication, vitamins, and the B group injection or as pill.
Work required to comply and to take care of the rest, it's not a comfortable sleep, lifting weights throw and harmful habits.
Cervical osteochondritis is a disease for many people very sneaky. The vertebrae in the neck as it isn't close to each other, so the slightest deformation of the compressed nerve roots and blood vessels. As a result, cerebral blood flow is disrupted, the result and the cause of headaches and migraine. In advanced cases, this complete ischemia, brain or spinal cord and even stroke.
Located in the zone of risk, and cardiovascular system. Some people have observed for years due pain Cardiology Heart constantly "down" and why high pressure lies neck osteochondrosis.
It may also harm the patient due to contraction of nerve endings, hearing, sight, broken the Coordination of movements.
Employee training forms and possible appropriate treatment for the treatment of hernia, surgery may be required.
Osteokondrozis deformed in elderly individuals is combined with cervical osteoarthritis cervical, vertebral clothing et al.
To prevent, cervical degenerative disc disease, need to live a healthy life, Fed, exercise regularly. A big role to provide an appropriate organization of workplace and also compatibility mode, working and Recreation.